Early Pregnancy Scans

Dating & Reassurance scan includes wellbeing report

From 6 weeks LMP

Early Pregnancy Scan


Early Pregnancy Scan & wellbeing report £59.00

The appointment is 15 minutes and taken by a qualified clinical sonographer.

  • 5-10 mins scanning time

  • This is an abdominal scan

  • Wellbeing report included

    If you are over six weeks we can -

  • Visually confirm baby's heartbeat

  • We can confirm the number of pregnancies

  • Confirmation baby is in the correct location

  • You will receive an estimated gestation and delivery date

  • You will receive a complimentary glossy print of your baby

  • Contact the Early Pregnancy Unit for you if necessary

  • A full bladder is required for this scan

  • Videos of scan available


  • Extra prints £3.00

  • Digital Transfer £10.00

You can book online today for only £20 deposit

If you’re looking for an Early Pregnancy Scan In Warrington, Meet The Baby scan from six weeks since your last menstrual period (LMP) This means you can check in on your baby months before your 12 weeks NHS scan. If you are under six weeks we may only see the yolk which is normal.

We only use transabdominal probes , the probe is placed on top of the stomach - we do not use transvaginal probes . Although this is a non diagnostic scan, our early pregnancy sonographers are fully qualified in diagnostic ultrasound and can discuss any findings.

Tips! - Try not go to the toilet for at least an hour before your appointment and have plenty to drink, a full bladder really helps us see those tiny babies! Try and wear loose clothing around your stomach as baby can sometimes be very low in early pregnancy

Please be aware : If you are having vaginal bleeding or have abdominal pains please contact your early pregnancy unit immediately as we will not be able to scan you.

Our Early Pregnancy scans are taken on days when Gender scans/4D scans are also being taken. Please take this in to consideration.